The Service Provider Subforum is a place where individuals can offer welding-related services. WeldingWeb is providing this area and the "Service Provider" status as a benefit to members, so providers of services can communicate this information to WeldingWeb members in a structured way.

This is NOT a place to buy, sell, or discuss welding gear itself -- that should take place in the Shop, Trade, Sell Forum (for individuals). Discussions about products or manufacturers should still take place in the respective Manufacturer Product Forum.

Service Providers receive these benefits:
* Can advertise and sell your services within the Service Provider Subforum
* Use your avatar to represent your Service Provider status
* Use your signature to communicate information about your services
* Discuss your services in other parts of the WeldingWeb forum when asked, providing a link back to a thread in the Service Provider Subforum. However, spamming other people's threads with unsolicited ads for your products or services will not be tolerated.
* As in all areas of WeldingWeb, any vulgar/pornographic/racist posts will be removed, and the offending party may be disciplined or banned.
* All posts on WeldingWeb, including those made to the Service Providers subforum, are subject to moderation by WeldingWeb moderators to enforce these rules.

WeldingWeb is in no way affiliated with any Service Providers and assumes no responsibility nor any liability for any services sold or offered.

The investment required to become a Service Provider is $495/year. To become a service provider, contact Michael Madej.