Calculator tricks:

If you have a Casio or similar calculator you can find the hypotenuse of a triangle quickly with a minimum of keystrokes. With Texas Instruments the chip is constructed differently and it is not so convenient.
Using a 3,4,5, triangle as an example: input “3” on the display then look for the R>P key. Press your shift key then the R>P key. Input “4” then press the equals sign. You should read “5” on the display.
To find the angle in the triangle press the shift key then the X>Y key. The display should show the angle in the triangle. 53.130 should be on your display.
To toggle back to your original display hit Shift and the X>Y key again.

Using any right triangle one can find the hypotenuse quickly rather than squaring each side, using memory and the square root key.